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Playing: Metroid Primer Trilogy: Metroid Prime 2 Echoes, oh those fucking Ings >:C

Daniel @Hatsu

Age 30, Male

High school student

Juarez, MX

Joined on 4/2/09

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Hatsu's News

Posted by Hatsu - March 26th, 2010

I don´t know if anyone will be happy, but I submited more art, some more shitty art
my drawing skills are still remarkable (very remarkable), but at least I´m trying it
so... not too much bad news, I got a schoolarship from goberment and they are going to pay me like $1800 pesos every two months (like $150 dollars), I´m planning to use it for my passport so I´ll can go to the US again :D
also I´m finally on vacations (2 weeks) but I think I´ll be bored, maybe later I´ll tell you all
so... that´s all for now, see ya all
keep dreaming

Posted by Hatsu - March 21st, 2010

I´m really crazy now, so I´ll spam a little bit my post... lol

IM REALLY CRAZY NOW !!!!!111!!!!

Posted by Hatsu - March 13th, 2010

I wanna be free as the wind
I wanna fly as a bird with no end
I wanna fall forever in the clouds

I wanna be free as the water
I wanna swim as a fish which go to the bottom
I wanna float to the abyss of the dreams

I just wanna be free
free from the love, the capitalism, the reality
those things... they have been hurting me for years
but I´ll stand it, because I have a dream
and my freedom will come someday... someday

Posted by Hatsu - March 10th, 2010

I finally submit something, but I didn´t submit the rest of my drawings because I´m very sleepy and my mother said it was to late because tomorrow I have to go to school
I don´t know if I´ll could submit the other drawings or edit this post because my computer get fucked AGAIN! so I think I´ll have to wait
I hope to get it soon
bye :D

Sleepy post of Art

Posted by Hatsu - March 6th, 2010

So I was supposed to scan my drawings yesterday, but I couldn´t because I had a lot of things to do (well, not really, my mother was who had a lot of things), I think I´ll have to wait ´til monday
Well, my bithday is the thursday, so we are cleaning the house, in fact I should be helping right now, so...
See ya to all! :D

Posted by Hatsu - March 2nd, 2010

my weekend was a ``God´s weekend´´. We have something named Confirmation were the boys and girls of 16-17 years old go to some kind of christian school for 6 months, and there are like 3 weekends where we have some kind of spiritual retire, where we are supposed to get God in our lives and hearths and all the thing. This weekend was one. There were like 20 people there who fainted (don´t ask) and my body was shaking a lot. But that was just a part of the weekend, we had games, songs, food :3 It was nice
Yesterday was a very stressing day. I started the day with my idea of ``Let the people know how lovely God can be´´ and all the thing, but I got a LOOOOT of homework so I didn´t knew how to organize my day, but I was still fine. Then we got a lot of things for the next week (exams, works and we HAVE to act in a THEATER, God!), but I was still fine. But all my friends were like if all of them hate me, and then I explode. Thank God, when I finally got to my house I calmed down and the day got better.
And today was a good day, nothing special, but nothing normal.
So, I want to thank all my friends, my family, God and all the other people because all they make my life funny :D Oh, and thank to my friends:
Are-You-Evil2 and...
I don´t know so much about you two, but I see both as my friends :)
So, this was a weird week, but it was funny weird
See ya

PS. My drawings will have to wait because I want to scan them and I don´t know if someone have a scanner XP (I don´t)

Posted by Hatsu - February 23rd, 2010

Have you ever been so bored that you only want to play with someone, but none want to play, and you simply create your own adventure?
I know, it´s strange, but it happens me all the time
The most recent happened the saturday. I was so bored and I sat on the chair, and I started to spin and spin... and spin. So I asked my bro if he wanted to play but he was doing homework in the bed, so I invented something: each time I spined... I traveled througt time XD
Hell yeah! It was a great adventure, and the funiest part is that I was playing in front of my brother, and he was like:
``... what the fuck are you doin´?´´ and I told him:
-I´m traveling througt time, what else? Oh, oh, guess what?
-I got some friends from the future!!! Oh, and a dog :3
-...what?! Shut up, you´re crazy!
And then I put the chair in a side of the bed and I laied of on his back and I started to talk to him like if he was a psicologist!
Man, it was a fun saturday XD

Well, comment, spam, or write whatever shit you want
See ya :3

Posted by Hatsu - February 18th, 2010

Basically, I got my things back, but... yeah, I was robbed

I was walking to take the bus with my best friend, when those guys came from behind saying ``To the ground and give us all´´, and I was like ``FUCK!!!´´. I gave them my celphone before they could get on my friend, and they run quickly.
We were like ``Man, this is bullshit´´ (seriously, I said it), and THANK GOD, some police mans were driving in the street and we stop them. Then we told them all the thing and they drove to get them. I didn´t really thought that they would caught them, but they did.
All the day I was telling my family about that, talking like if it was a happy adventure, but now I´m really scared and angry, because that happened really near from my school.
I don´t know what to fell...

Posted by Hatsu - February 14th, 2010

Yeah, we don´t call it Valentine´s day, but it´s the same thing
I´m lucky because I don´t have to celebrate it! :3
yeah, today is my bro´s b-day so we congrat him and all the thing and it´s done!
It´s better to me because I´m alone :(
but... I had already 14 Valentine´s days alone, one more it´s not going to kill me, really? REALLY??
Naah, anyway, I´ve never been a really big fan of this day, so... FUCK THIS!! XD
Happy `Love´ day to all the lovely couples in the world, and happy `Friendship´ day to all the friends who go to see a movie or whatever thing they do

Posted by Hatsu - February 12th, 2010

Juarez... the most dangerous city in the world (just search in Google)
this city have been the start point of a lot of murders and drugs for years
in the past, a city of hope and peace, the parks were full of families, and the teens and couples could walk peacefuly in the night, knowing that the life was beautifull
In the 90´s all the country, and some parts of EU got shocked with the woman´s murders, almost hitting the 600 (I don´t remember). From that point... all collapsed.
The next years, the streets were full of clans (or whatever name you want), which members took battles between them, taking the childrens life in some. The ``cholos´´ (that´s how we call them) got the idea of reclute the teens who had a bad childhood or a bad communication in house, acting like their family, making promises of power, money, drugs, etc. The army came for a while and the thing stoped... a while.
The start of the millenium give us a lot of things, the most remarkable was the ``emos independence´´. Since 2004, the videos of people killing emos are surfing the internet (maybe before), but in 2008-2009 it got worst. The videos kept growing and the people still keep adding a lot, and the emo guys and girls got angry, so they walked and blocked a long main street of the city. After a few day the things calmed.
Now, the people it´s getting scared with all the daily homicides from the clans, the ``cholos´´ and the ``sicarios´´ (these are the worst). The `sicarios´ history isn´t so amazing, they are drug traficants and the bosses of all the minor murderers, they order who will kill who and what to do next
This situation got worst when a truck went to a `study party´ of some high school guys and shot everyone there. The police said the guys on the party were from a clan, and it was a territorial battle. This obviously have make everyone angry, and it´s getting worst each day. This news make the state president move the capital, from Chihuahua to Juarez. Even the Mexico president, Felipe Calderon, came here yesterday. He talked with the mothers of the students and did a conferense with the Juarez ministers. A lot of people kept yelling all the day for justice in front of the conferense center.

I live in Juarez, and we are all scared about the things that are happening, and there is a lot of people who don´t get out from their houses, only if important.
Today we got a security conferense in school, talking about the same things the president said, and almost all were laughing
The Mexico president will come again the wednesday to make an evaluation of the things
... I don´t really know what will happen